
We know our community cares for our unhoused neighbors. Here, we will highlight the work of our partner agencies, keep you up to date on funding opportunities, current events, data trends, and successes as we work toward ensuring safe and equitable housing for all.

Blog Heather Tomczak Blog Heather Tomczak

Where Foster Care and Homelessness Intersect

While not all foster youth experience will experience homelessness or housing insecurity, studies show that former foster youth are much more susceptible. As the local leader in preventing homelessness, we understand the importance of acknowledging the intersection foster care and youth homelessness.

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Threshold CoC Update, Blog Esther Mejia Threshold CoC Update, Blog Esther Mejia

Our Role In Preventing Homelessness

It is important for our community to understand how services for unhoused folx are provided, and more broadly, how they are distributed across Douglas, Sarpy, and Pottawattamie counties. Our goal this year is to shed some light on how the Continuum of Care (CoC) model works, and how we, at MACCH, fit into the larger system of homelessness prevention.

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